The Semaphore CI blog has a new tutorial showing you how to use Rocketeer and Docker to deploy PHP applications, pushing the resulting application out into a Docker container.
Deploying web applications is an integral part of modern web development. From this need, many tools have emerged to make the process as easy as possible. Rocketeer is heavily influenced by Capistrano and Laravel's principle of elegant code. It strives to make the deployment process accessible for everyone. [...] We'll deploy a fresh Laravel installation to a running Docker instance. This enables us to focus on setting up and using Rocketeer while the Docker instance will act as an application server requiring zero configuration and a great environment to experiment with.
They start with a list of requirements you'll need before getting started including Docker running on the server and Composer. They help you get Rocketeer installed and using the Docker command line too to set up and configure the server. Next up they show you how to use the "rocketeer" command to configure the Laravel application to be deployed. Once configured, they show you what updates you'll need to make and, finally, how to run the deployment. They also "dig deeper" and look at the file system setup on the server, stages of deployment, tasks, strategies and plugins.