
Phillip Shipley: Creating a PHP Nexmo API Client using Guzzle Web Service Client - Part 3.5

Phillip Shipley has continued his series about hooking your PHP application into the Nexmo API with this new update, part 3.5 of the series. It's a smaller follow up to the code and functionality introduced in part three with a quick implementation of some of the other API methods.

As I've hit on several times, using the Guzzle Web Service description way of developing an API client can save a lot of time. It took me a little less than an hour to finish adding support for these three sets of APIs. If I was writing every Guzzle client initialization and call individually it would have taken a lot longer I'm sure.

The process only takes four steps and the majority of that is just setup via Composer. In order to make things easier and so that you don't have to worry about the details of implementing each of the API features, he's just created a repository to bring all of that functionality in at once. He includes the code you'll need to add to use it as well (about the same as before, just with different client types).

Link: http://www.phillipshipley.com/2015/04/creating-a-php-nexmo-api-client-using-guzzle-web-service-client-part-3-5/

