has posted the second part of their series today showing you how to build a simple time tracking application with Laravel and AngularJS. In this latest part of the series he finishes the application and connect the two pieces.
This is the second of a two-part series on using Laravel 5 and AngularJS together to build a simple time tracking application. If you've gone through part 1, you'll have seen that we put together the front-end first and used a simple JSON file with some mocked-up data to test with. We left off with the ability to add new time entries and have the total time from all of them display on the side. We didn't include any way to edit or delete the time entries, and of course there was no persistence to a database. In this part we will complete the application so that the time entries get stored in a database and our Angular front-end and Laravel backend work together to create, read, update and delete from it.
He starts by helping you get a Laravel application up and running (time-tracker-2), set up the database and modify the configuration to point to the database location. He helps you run the migrations to set up the database tables and generate the related model code. Next up he shows how to inject the seed data, setting up the main index view and adding in routes for the Angular code to access. The rest of the article is just about as detailed and covers steps to:
- View all the Available Routes
- Return all Time Entries
- Return All Users
- Updating the front-end
- Setting up the users list
- Creating time entries
- Updating time entries
- Deleting time entires
Finally he wraps it all up with a few possible things that could be done to improve the application, both simple and a bit more complex. He challenges you the developer to implement those features.