Following up on his previous post talking about going "beyond inheritance" in object-oriented development in PHP, Anthony Ferrara has a new post extends the subject, focusing more on types of classes and how his thoughts would apply.
In the last post Beyond Inheritance, we talked about looking past "types" and reasoning about objects differently. The conclusion was that inheritance wasn't necessary for OOP, and often results in more problems than it solves. Well, let's go beyond that and explore more of what will come from treating objects as containers of behavior. Let's look at what this means for various kinds of classes.
He looks at five different class types and gives a brief summary of the concepts they represent - Representers, Doers, Plumbers, Translators and Makers. He then shifts over to investigating how this all applies to the SOLID development principles. He follows this pattern of thought through and looks at how it breaks things down into decomposable behaviors and, ultimately, functional programming/code structures (including the suggestions that creating ValueObjects is directly related).