- Ulrich Kautz: PHP Validation & Sanitization
- PHPMaster.com: Living Apart Together: Decoupling Code and Framework
- Qafoo.com: Black Magic with Regular Expresions
- Community News: PHP Newsletter Announced - PHP Weekly
- Zumba Engineering Blog: Mocking Singleton PHP classes with PHPUnit
- Lorna Mitchell: Managing PHP 5.4 Extensions on Ubuntu
- Community News: PHPKnowHow.com - PHP in Plain English
- Paul Jones: Aura: First 1.0.0 Stable Library Releases!
- Dave Marshall: Silex Route Helpers for a Cleaner Architecture
- Derick Rethans: Mongo is dead, long live MongoClient
- Chris Jones: How (and when) to move users to mysqli and PDO_MYSQL?
- Symfony Blog: A full track dedicated to Symfony at SunshinePHP conference
- Site News: Popular Posts for the Week of 11.30.2012
- Anthony Ferrara: Programming With Anthony - Encryption
- PHPMaster.com: PHPFog is Coming to an End - But Don't Panic!
Site News: Blast from the Past - One Year Ago in PHP
Here's what was popular in the PHP community one year ago today:
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