In a new post to his site Lukas Smith wonders what's next for Symfony2, the popular PHP framework. Rather than the actual framework, though, he looks at the framework community and wonders where they should direct their attention.
Avid readers of my blog might have noticed a theme in recent blog posts. A while ago I noted that core developers of the early days have become a lot less active. Then I posted about the need to start working on higher level code to make Symfony2 more rapid development friendly. Following this post I blogged about what is missing to make Symfony2 truly great for building REST APIs. Now last evening at DrupalCamp Vienna I was asked what is there left to do for the Symfony2 community and it didn't take me long to think of an answer: Bundles!
He talks about some of the current ecosystem around the framework's major bundles and wonders where people should be focusing. Are there bundles that should be worked on more, building up features and providing a more solid core group of developers (than maybe one or two)?