Samantha Quinones has a new post today about something that has been known to trip up both new and experienced PHP developers - PHP's dynamic type juggling.
No matter how popular an activity it is, I really don't like to bash on PHP. Every language has its flaws when you look closely enough, and if PHP wears its idiosyncrasies a little closer to the surface than most, I think it makes up for it in other ways. PHP's handling of types, however, is confusing at best and at worst completely deranged.
She goes on to talk about the issues with type comparisons and how much trouble using the "==" (double equals) versus the "===" (triple equals) can potentially cause. While it's easier for new PHP developers to get caught by this issue, even experienced devs might miss it. She gives an example of a time in her own development involving the comparison of strings against constants and in_array's non-string type comparisons.