- voodoophp/voodoo (1.11.0)
A micro PHP 5.4 Modular MVC framework, that contains only the libraries to get you started - bit3/php-coding-standard (2.4)
bit3 PHP coding standards - irestful/integerintervals (13.11.28)
IntegerIntervals type interfaces - irestful/floatintervals (13.11.28)
FloatIntervals interfaces - irestful/numericprimitiveintervals (13.11.28)
NumericPrimitivesIntervals Interfaces - irestful/partialcollections (13.11.28)
Primitive Collections Interfaces - irestful/sets (13.11.28)
Sets Interfaces - irestful/simplelists (13.11.28)
String type interfaces - irestful/collections (13.11.28)
Collections interfaces - dlin/snappy-bundle (v0.9.2)
Symfony Bundle for Snappy ( wkhtmltopdf ) - irestful/strings (13.11.28)
String type interfaces - irestful/floats (13.11.28)
Float type interfaces - irestful/integers (13.11.28)
Integer type interfaces - irestful/numericprimitives (13.11.28)
NumericPrimitives Interfaces - irestful/booleans (13.11.28)
Booleans Interfaces - irestful/primitives (13.11.28)
Primitive type interfaces - irestful/unittesthelpers (13.11.28)
Unit Test Helpers - ocramius/proxy-manager (0.5.0-BETA2)
A library providing utilities to generate, instantiate and generally operate with Object Proxies - param-processor/param-processor (1.0.1)
Parameter processing library - dlin/keen-bundle (v1.0.6, v1.0.5)
A Syfmony 2 Bundle for Keen.IO using the office Keen.IO library - instaclick/gherkincs (v1.2.0)
Code Sniffer and Semantic Analyzer for Gherkin - gregwar/image-bundle (v2.0.12)
Image handling bundle - gregwar/image (v2.0.12)
Image handling - spomky/role-hierarchy-bundle (v1.1.0-beta1)
Symfony2 Role Hierarchy Bundle - spomky/ip-filter-bundle (v1.1.0-beta1)
Symfony2 Ip Filter Bundle - antwebes/chatea-client-lib (0.1)
Library that makes it easy to use API of api.chatea.net - dvdoug/boxpacker (1.0)
An implementation of the 3D bin packing/knapsack problem (aka creating parcels by putting items into boxes) - radig/menu (4.0.0)
Menu plugin for CakePHP. - pombacorp/water (v1.0-beta)
My framework. - mediavorus/mediavorus (0.4.2)
MediaVorus - videlalvaro/php-amqplib (v2.2.3)
This library is a pure PHP implementation of the AMQP protocol. It's been tested against RabbitMQ. - efficiently/authority-controller (0.10.0)
AuthorityController is an PHP authorization library for Laravel 4 which restricts what resources a given user is allowed to access. - pixline/wp-cli-devtools (0.2.2)
Wrapper around common development utilities - metamodels/attribute_tags (1.0.2)
MetaModels attribute for selects - vesparny/silex-simple-rest (v2.1.0)
A simple silex skeleton for rest api - openbuildings/purchases (0.5.7)
Multi Store Purchases - hobnob/amazium-bundle (v0.0.7, v0.0.6, v0.0.5)
Amazium layout templates for Symfony2 - netzmacht/contao-font-awesome (4.0.0-rc1, 3.2.0-rc3)
Integrates Font Awesome into Contao frontend and backend - openbuildings/shipping (0.4.6)
Add complex shipping to openbuildings/purchases package - ebidtech/message (v0.1)
Message wrapper - ebidtech/collection (v1.0.1)
A set of interfaces and traits to speed up the creation of collections - ebidtech/compress (v1.1.1, v1.1)
Compress library - polycademy/secrets (0.0.1)
Secrets Loader - claroline/video-player-bundle (1.0.3)
Claroline video player plugin - yfix/yf (1.1.8)
YF PHP Framework - openbuildings/jam-tart (0.2.19)
Admin Builder for Kohana, using Jam ORM - bakame/url (2.1.1, 2.1.0)
Bakame / Url is a lightweight PHP Url Wrapper library - fp/openid-bundle (2.1.0)
Symfony2 OpenID security extension - nerds/sphinxql (v1.0.5)
The SphinxQL library - metamodels/bundle_translated (1.0.1)
MetaModels bundle for translated attributes - metamodels/bundle_nontranslated (1.0.1)
MetaModels bundle for non translated attributes - nelmio/js-logger-bundle (1.2.1)
Adds logging of JS errors in your Symfony2 application - padam87/search-bundle (v1.0.0)
Symfony2 SearchBundle - piwik/piwik (2.0-b10)
Open Source Real Time Web Analytics Platform - majkl578/nette-identity-doctrine (2.0)
Integration of entities implementing IIdentity in Nette 2 - hobnob/amazium-layout-bundle (v0.0.6, v0.0.5)
Amazium layout templates for Symfony2 - friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle (1.1.0)
This Bundle provides various tools to rapidly develop RESTful API's with Symfony2 - sammaye/mongoyii (2.9.3)
A Yii MongoDB ORM - willdurand/email-reply-parser (2.0.0-alpha1)
Port of the cool GitHub's EmailReplyParser library in PHP 5.3 - willdurand/geocoder-bundle (1.5.0)
Integration of Geocoder into Symfony2 - spalax/zf2-client-moysklad (0.0.1)
Zend Framework 2 module for moysklad service - janiv/shelf (v0.1.2, v0.1.1)
BoardGameGeek API 2.0 Wrapper for PHP - spalax/zf2-file-uploader (0.0.1)
File Uploader module for Zf2 - dlin/zendesk (0.0.2)
PHP Library for Zendesk API - slywalker/boost_cake (1.0.4)
BoostCake is a plugin for CakePHP using Bootstrap
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