
Community News: Latest PECL Releases for 11.19.2013

Latest PECL Releases:
  • yaml 1.1.1
    New Features:
    - Removed "not yet implemented" warning and deliberate abort from
    Bugs Fixed:
    - #61770 Crash on nonunicode character
    - #61923 Detect_scalar_type() is not aware of base 60 representation
    - #63086 Compiling PHP with YAML as static extension fails
    - #64019 Segmentation fault if yaml anchor ends with a colon
    - #64694 Segfault when array used as mapping key

  • riak 1.0.0
    Fixed issue 52: A temporary connection is now taken from pool when doing streaming operations

  • riak 0.9.1
    Added some missing ZEND_ARG_INFO's in bucket.c
    Possibly breaking change: Removed NotFoundException, you always want an GetOutput with vclock even though the object is not found.

  • raphf 1.0.3
    * Added pecl/http-v2 tests

