The PHP Town Hall podcast has released their latest episode today - Episode 15, "The Joomla Framework and the Ongoing History of PSR-4". This time they've made both the audio and the video available (it was recorded live via Google Hangout).
The wonderfully handsome Don Gilbert joins us on our new YouTube Channel for our first live-recording of PHP Town Hall! He's been working on the Joomla Framework to get it up to scratch with modern standards ready for a Joomla CMS rewrite, much in the same way that EllisLab pulled CodeIgniter out of ExpressionEngine… except for the standards bit, because they didn't exist and PHP developers were too busy clubbing each other to death over tabs v spaces.
You can listen to this latest podcast in a few different ways - either watching the video from YouTube, downloading the mp3 directly or you can use the in-page players for either. If you like the podcast, be sure to subscribe to their feed too.