This coming August (28th & 29th to be more specific) New Zealand will host its first ever PHP conference, the New Zealand PHP Conference, at the Victoria University Business School in Wellington.
We are pleased to announce the New Zealand PHP Conference 2014 on the 28th and 29th of August, plus a pre-conference tutorial day on the 27th August. The Conference will be held at The Victoria Business School, located in the heart of Wellington's legal, government and business district. This conference promises to be one of the most important IT events in the region and will feature renown presenters, along with other expert speakers, presenting two concurrent tracks including over 22 talks and 4 workshops exploring web technologies trends to both inspire and challenge you. New Zealand PHP Conference is not just about PHP and will offer a Web Technology track to help developers improve their skill sets and expand their knowledge & experience.
Speakers for this year's event include some notable names including Nate Abele, Joshua Thijssen, Davey Shafik, Dustin Whittle and the creator of PHP himself, Rasmus Lerdorf. The conference will also be preceded by a tutorial day featuring sessions about design patterns, PHP components and Laravel. Tickets cost only NZD 390 (about $340 USD) for the main session and NZD 240 for the tutorial day. There's a student discount too, so be sure to check into that if you're eligible.
You can find out more about the event and pick up your tickets from the main conference website and follow them on Twitter for the latest updates!