
Matthias Noback: Symfony2: How to create framework independent controllers?

Matthias Noback has a new post to his site today, the first part of a series, looking at making framework-independent controllers for use in a Symfony2 framework-based project.

The general belief is that controllers are the most tightly coupled classes in every application. Most of the time based on the request data, they fetch and/or store persistent data from/in some place, then turn the data into HTML, which serves as the response to the client who initially made the request. [...] In this post I demonstrate that this high level of coupling is definitely not necessary. I will show you how you can decrease coupling a lot by taking some simple steps. We will end with a controller that is reusable in different types of applications, e.g. a Silex application, or even a Drupal application.

In this first part he focuses on a few places where the common practices lead to some unnecessary coupling between the controller and framework:

  • Using the framework helper methods
  • Using dependency injection (manually injecting instead)
  • Making the controller a service instead

The next post in the series will look at the use of annotations and how to refactor them out of the controller to remove yet another coupling point.

Link: http://php-and-symfony.matthiasnoback.nl/2014/06/how-to-create-framework-independent-controllers/

