- rixxi/redirector (0.2.1, 0.2.0)
- xiidea/ezrbac (1.2.4)
A simple yet easy to implement Role Based Access Control Library for Codeigniter - cornernote/yii-sphinx (1.0.0)
Yii extension for Sphinx Search. - dragonrider23/task-manager (1.0.1)
A library to manage running tasks and display current status to the end user. - jrschumacher/silex-provider-gitlab (0.1)
Silex provider for Gitlab API (m4tthumphrey/php-gitlab-api) - crazedsanity/cs-webapplibs (v0.11.0, v0.10.19)
Web application framework containing various libraries, an extension to cs-content - jarednova/timber (0.19.2)
Plugin to write WordPress themes w Object-Oriented Code and the Twig Template Engine - africc/php-epp2 (0.1.1)
A High Level EPP (Extensible Provisioning Protocol) TCP/SSL Client for PHP - aws/aws-sdk-php (2.6.7)
AWS SDK for PHP - Use Amazon Web Services in your PHP project - silverstripe/forum (0.6.1)
Forum module for SilverStripe. - tagged/out (1.0.2)
Terse output functions for effortless php templating. - ddeboer/data-import (0.15.0)
Import data from, and export data to, a range of file formats and media - zelenin/yii2-rbac-module (0.0.3)
Yii2 RBAC module with generating assignments to DB from RBAC data store file rbac.php - heybigname/event-dispatcher (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Event Dispatcher with a focus on Domain Events - ciims-themes/spectre (2.0.0)
Spectre is a lightweight theme for CiiMS that utilizes purecss.io - arachne/codeception (v0.2.0)
- mysqldump-factory/mysqldump-factory (1.6.0, 1.5.0, 1.4.0)
Fully tested, mysqldump factory for PHP 5.2.17, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 - thor/platform (0.4.0)
Thor CMS platform package. Laravel 4 multilingual CMS and CRUD Generator. - dts/ebay-sdk-business-policies-management (0.1.0)
An eBay SDK for PHP. Use the eBay Business Policies Management API in your PHP projects. - theantichris/wp-plugin-framework (v2.0.1)
A framework for building WordPress plugins. - dts/ebay-sdk-shopping (0.1.0)
An eBay SDK for PHP. Use the eBay Shopping API in your PHP projects. - dts/ebay-sdk-trading (0.1.0)
An eBay SDK for PHP. Use the eBay Trading API in your PHP projects. - jumilla/laravel-extension (v1.0.1, v1.0)
Laravel Extension Pack - dts/ebay-sdk-finding (0.1.0)
An eBay SDK for PHP. Use the eBay Finding API in your PHP projects. - digitalkaoz/yuml-php (1.0.0, 0.9.3, 0.9.2, 0.9.1)
a PHP Adapter for http://yuml.me - dts/ebay-sdk (0.0.6)
An eBay SDK for PHP. Use the eBay API in your PHP projects. - maatwebsite/excel (v1.1.1)
An eloquent way of importing and exporting Excel and CSV in Laravel 4 with the power of PHPExcel - jumilla/laravel (v4.2.0, v4.2.0-BETA1, v0.1)
The Laravel Framework. - dec/users (1.0.1)
Simple role based access control - autarky/framework (0.2.1)
Autarky - PHP framework for self-sufficient developers - heybigname/backup-manager (0.3.1, 0.3.0)
Database backup manager for dumping to and restoring databases from S3, Dropbox, FTP, and SFTP. - achsoft/error-handler (v0.1.0)
Handle all php errors as exceptions. - thefox/tumblr-parser (v0.4.1, v0.4.0, v0.3.0)
A Tumblr Theme parser in PHP. - orchestra/imagine (v2.2.0)
Imagine Package for Laravel 4 - kisma/kisma (0.2.45)
PHP Utility Belt - orchestra/parser (v2.2.0)
XML Document Parser for Laravel and PHP - bshaffer/oauth2-server-php (v1.4)
OAuth2 Server for PHP - sokil/php-rest (0.22.8, 0.22.7, 0.22.6, 0.22.5, 0.22.4, 0.22.3, 0.22.2, 0.22.1, 0.22)
Framework to build RESTful service - bombayworks/zendframework1 (v1.12.7)
Zend Framework 1 - sabre/dav (2.0.3, 2.0.2)
WebDAV Framework for PHP - sabre/vobject (3.2.3)
The VObject library for PHP allows you to easily parse and manipulate iCalendar and vCard objects - zendframework/zf1-extras (1.12.7)
Zend Framework 1 Extras - codaxis/cakephp-mailgun (1.0)
- sokil/php-mongo (1.0.11)
Active Record for PHP Mongo - sabre/event (1.0.1)
The sabre/event library provides utilities for lightweight event-based programming - pokitdok/pokitdok-php (1.0.9, 1.0.8, 1.0.7, 1.0.6, 1.0.5, 1.0.4)
PHP client for http://platform.pokitdok.com - fulgurio/twitter-bootstrap-bundle (2.3.2)
Symfony FulgurioTwitterBootstrapBundle - wemakecustom/composer-script-utils (v0.4)
Set of tools for Composer scripts - centralapps/dao (v1.1.9, v1.1.8, v1.1.7)
A data access object framework, with PDO support out of the box - m6web/redis-bundle (v1.1.1, v1.1.0)
bundle sf2 on top of m6web/redis-component - syrup/component-bundle (1.6.1, 1.6.0)
Syrup ComponentBundle - traackr/traackr-api-php (0.8)
Traackr API PHP Library - renegare/depipe (v0.1.0)
deployment pipeline (currently only for aws) - ezsystems/ezpublish-community (v2014.05.1, v2014.05.0)
eZ Publish 5 community distribution - ezsystems/ezpublish-legacy (v2014.05.1, v2014.05.0)
eZ Publish LegacyStack (4.x) - keboola/syrup (1.4.6, 1.4.5)
Syrup - Concentrated extract(or)s - watson/validating (0.7.9)
Eloquent model validating trait. - redux-framework/redux-framework (
Redux is a simple, truly extensible options framework for WordPress themes and plugins. - pragmarx/tracker (v0.4.0)
A Laravel 4.1+ Visitor Tracker - kilte/security-provider (2.0.1)
Symfony/Security provider - slevomat/partner-api-php-library (1.2)
PHP library for the Slevomat.cz/Zlavomat.sk voucher API for partners - payment/isotope-payment-saferpay (2.0.2, 3.1.5)
saferpay payment modul for isotope ecommerce based on payment/saferpay - law909/nineparams (v1.0.0)
AltoRouter request parameter handler - otak/maestro (1.0.12)
Next-generation MVC Micro-Framework for PHP5.3+ - halleck45/php-metrics (v0.0.6)
Static analyze tool for PHP : Coupling, Cyclomatic complexity, Maintenability Index, Halstead's metrics... and more ! - mbdev/pgpmailer (1.0.0-alpha.1)
PGP Mailer - flying/debug-csrf-bundle (v0.1.0, v0.0.1)
Small Symfony 2 bundle to disable CSRF token validation when running application under debugger - nubera-ebusiness/intercom-php (0.1.9)
Connectivity with the Intercom API - fiv/spl (1.1.0)
Standard library - dg/ftp-deployment (v1.4)
A tool for automated deployment of web applications to an FTP server. - exaprint/cms-lib (0.0.3)
Exacms bundle - ibuildings/qa-tools (v1.1.22)
Ibuildings standard QA Tools - sonata-project/admin-bundle (2.2.12)
Symfony SonataAdminBundle - andres-montanez/useragentstring-bundle (0.2.1)
Symfony2 bundle for integrating UserAgentString - liebig/cron (1.0.0)
Job scheduling for Laravel - league/url (3.0.0-rc.1)
League/url is a lightweight PHP Url Wrapper library - anlutro/l4-core (0.12.6, 0.12.5, 0.12.4)
Core L4 functionality. - anlutro/l4-repository (0.6.9)
Repository classes for Laravel 4. - league/event (0.1.0)
Event package - imsamurai/arraysort (1.0.5)
CakePHP utility for sorting arrays by multiple fields - vi-kon/laravel-smarty-view (v1.0.6, v1.0.5)
Smarty template engine for Laravel 4 - gabbydgab/gdg-commons (1.1.0, 1.0.0)
Abstract common library for web applications - ministryofjustice/opg-core-public-domain-model (0.19.1)
Domain model for the OPG Core project - cargomedia/cm (1.41.1, 1.41.0)
- gabrielelana/graceful-death (0.7.0)
Library that let you catch fatal errors - packaged/thrift (0.9.1)
Apache Thrift - anlutro/l4-smart-errors (2.3.6)
Smart error reporting for Laravel 4. - keboola/storage-api-client (2.11.9)
Keboola Storage API PHP CLient - ets/document-storage-bundle (0.2.3)
Symfony bundle that integrates with ets/document-storage - watson/bootstrap-form (0.8.1)
Laravel 4.2+ form wrappers for Bootstrap 3. - matycz/lemo-grid (1.0.7)
- greenkin/magic (1.0.4)
Support trait for standard plain classes that encapsulate private or protected fields through getters/setters - harp-orm/util (0.2.1)
General purpose helper methods - timrwood/moment (2.7.0)
Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in javascript. - joseki/pdf-response (v2.2-rc2)
Pdf response extension for Nette Framework - activecollab/activecollab-sdk (1.0.3)
This is a simple PHP library that makes communication with activeCollab API easy - geekyhouse/external-tracking-bundle (1.3.3)
Symfony2 bundle for manage external tracking scripts/pixel trackers. - roboticswave/boots-framework (v0.1.2)
Boots is a micro-framework highly-inspirated by Laravel, using Laravel Blade/Router/Controller with IoC Container and Facade
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