In her latest post Snipe does her best to motivate those out there that have thought about speaking or presenting at a technology conference but are "stalling" and finding excuses not to. The post pulls from some of her own past experiences as a speaker in various communities, PHP and otherwise.
My last post generated a bit of buzz when it was posted to HackerNews recently, so I figured I'd take this opportunity to reiterate something I've been saying on Twitter for a while now. If you have never presented a conference before, make this the year you change that.
She breaks the rest of the post up into different reasons to stop making excuses and just do it:
- It is an incredible experience that makes you better at other things
- You will meet great people and learn about their experiences
- Even if you suck the first time, it really is okay, even if it doesn't feel like it at the time
- It's great for your career
- If you are part of an underrepresented minority, your peers need to see you on that stage
- Your audience is actually far more forgiving than you imagine
- You're smarter than you think. Things that are obvious to you are not obvious to everyone else
- It feels really fucking awesome talking about stuff you care about
She also shares a few panic-aversion tactics she's worked up over the years including starting small, working with "power poses" and a reminder to use the "presenter view" feature in your presentation software of choice.