In a recent post to his site Dominic Tancredi has posted some of his own opinions about the PHP language, a rebuttal to all of those who say that PHP is dying.
A junior programmer with a master's asked me, "Is PHP a dying language being taken over by trending technologies like Ruby on Rails?" Here are my thoughts. Order. It all comes down to order. Order is what defines us, clarifies ideas. Order allows us to get to market quicker, safer, and less defects. Order is a pristine engine that is maintainable, scalable and extendable.
He talks about the evolution of web development language over the years: how Ruby on Rails was the "next big thing" for a while and how PHP, despite starting from a small community grew into something a bit haphazard and crazy. Out of that craziness, though, came what he calls the "PHP Renaissance", a time when PHP is gaining order, standards are being defined and good practices are winning over the old ways. He mentions some adoption numbers and reinforces a suggestion from Phil Sturgeon that we all need to act more like a community and less like a tribe (or a set of tribes, centered around tools or techniques).