
Inviqa Blog: How clean is your code?

In this latest post to the Inviqa blog they ask the question "how clean is your code?" and offer a few tips to help it get that way (and stay that way).

During the Test Driven Development training (which includes Behat, and PHPspec) run by Marcello Duarte, I was particularly blown away by one of his many and funny analogies… "Would you have any surgery carried out by a doctor who does not wash his hands?" Everybody in the room shook their heads. Of course nobody would. There is too a high risk of complications. In software development 'infected' code can translate to bugs, bad user experience, poor performance and the complete failure of web applications.

He talks briefly about some of the lessons learned in this training session, pointing out that while it's not the easiest method to apply, it pays off in the long run of your code's "hygiene". He points out that the [Inviqa] group's success rate with TDD/BDD has reflected in the bottom line of their enterprise clients too.

Link: http://inviqa.com/blog/how-clean-is-your-code/

