In the next part of their Symfony2 screencast series, has released their introduction to using databases from inside the framework-based application. Other posts in this beginner series (all authored by Andrew Perkins) can be found here.
Today we'll continue working with Symfony 2 where I'll show you how to get started working with databases. I'll be covering setup and config, generating the database, generating your getter/setter methods and table schema, and how to persist data from a form, into a database.
The video walks you through the setup and use of a MySQL database and Doctrine (from the command line) to create the database structure. The use the sample application that's been evolving through a few of the screencasts. In this application, they show how to connect the "Person" entity to a database table through annotations. Included is the code and commands to set up the "Person" entity correctly and how to fetch/save one from a simple controller method.