
SitePoint PHP Blog: Dependency Injection with Laravel's IoC

The SitePoint PHP blog has a new tutorial posted showing you how to use the Laravel dependency injection container to handle dependencies in you Laravel-based applications. Younes Rafie introduces some of the basic concepts behind dependency injection and the various types to get everyone started on the same level.

As developers, we are always trying to find new ways to write well designed and clean code by adopting new styles, using design patterns, and trying new robust frameworks. In this article we will explore the dependency injection design pattern through Laravel's IoC component and see how it can improve our design.

He includes examples of the three basic types of injection - controller, setter and interface - with brief code examples of their implementation. He goes on to talk about the "Inversion of Control" principle (part of the SOLID set of principles) and how the Laravel dependency injection container helps by binding objects and instances for later retrieval. Code examples for session storage handling (through a MySQL database) are included that are automatically resolved as the class requires them.

Link: http://www.sitepoint.com/dependency-injection-laravels-ioc

