- parse/php-sdk (1.0.3)
Parse PHP SDK - credibility/dandb (v0.1.0)
PHP Wrapper for Dun & Bradstreet Credibility Corp. API - zhuzhichao/ip-location-zh (v1.1)
get the ip's true location with Chinese - naonaox1126/vizualizer_twitter (v1.6.2)
Visual Framework in PHP - naonaox1126/vizualizer (v1.5.2)
Visual Framework in PHP - sabre/http (3.0.2)
The sabre/http library provides utilities for dealing with http requests and responses. - studioignis/cmd (1.1.0)
Add command support to your app. Inspired by laracasts/commander. - cebe/markdown (1.0.0-rc)
A super fast, highly extensible markdown parser for PHP - splot/twig-module (0.8.0, 0.6.1)
Twig integration with Splot Framework. - bugsnag/bugsnag-laravel (v1.1.0)
Official Bugsnag notifier for Laravel applications. - myabakus/teamworkpm (v1.0.5)
PHP wrapper for TeamWorkPm api. - burnbright/silverstripe-members (1.0.2)
Silverstripe extra member features. Registration page, profile page, send temp password. - smarty/smarty (v3.1.20)
Smarty - the compiling PHP template engine - nqxcode/laravel-lucene-search (v1.0.0-beta)
Laravel 4 package for full-text search over Eloquent models based on ZendSearch Lucene. - splot/framework (0.8.2)
Splot Framework. Lightweight, fully featured framework for rapid web development. - rase/socket.io-emitter (0.5.0)
A PHP implementation of socket.io-emitter - koalabs/evento (1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Dead simple event management for your Laravel application - garoevans/php-enum (1.2.0)
Convenient way to always have an Enum object available and utilise Spl Types if available. - lukerodham/validation (0.1.0)
Validation library - elnebuloso/flex-persistence (1.0.0)
data persistence layer - srtfisher/laravel-elastica (0.1)
Laravel 4 Service Provider for Elastica - zurb/foundation (v5.4.6)
The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world. - comolo/contao-superimage (1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0)
SuperImage: use retina images in contao - pear/net_url2 (v2.0.10)
Class for parsing and handling URL. Provides parsing of URLs into their constituent parts (scheme, host, path etc.), URL generation, and resolving of relative URLs. - krzysztof-magosa/saffron (2.4.0, 2.2.0)
Tiny PHP router - elnebuloso/flex-data (2.0.3, 2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0.0)
data modeling - spomky-labs/oauth2-server-access-token-manager (v3.0.2)
OAuth2 Server Access Token Manager library - digitalkaoz/issues (0.4.0, 0.3.1)
wrapper for github and jira issues - sorskod/larasponse (1.0.2)
- codeception/aspect-mock (0.5.0)
Experimental Mocking Framework powered by Aspects - burnbright/silverstripe-shop-enquiry (1.0.1)
Enquire about products. - eecli/bootstrap (v1.3.0)
Bootstrap the ExpressionEngine environment - ktamas77/firebase-php (1.0.0)
Firebase PHP Client - kumar/nexmo (0.2.5)
Nexmo PHP library using guzzle - dreamfactory/yii (
Yii Web Programming Framework - bookability/bookability-l4 (0.0.3-alpha, 0.0.3-beta)
Wrapper on the Bookability package provided by Bookability - with support for Laravel 4. - symfony-cmf/seo-bundle (1.1.0-RC3)
Symfony CMF Search Engine Optimization Bundle - vicgarcia/slimproject (0.7.2, 0.7.1)
SlimProject is a collection of classes and a skeleton project installer for use with the Slim framework and Commando CLI library - google/identity-toolkit-php-client (1.0.0)
Client library for Google Identity Toolkit APIs - warmans/date-range (0.0.3)
Small utility class used to create date range arrays. - whichbrowser/whichbrowser (v1.0.1009)
User agent sniffing gone too far - saxulum/saxulum-collection-js (1.0.1)
A simple javascript manage symfony form collections - nesl247/laravel-ldap (1.0)
LDAP Driver and Eloquent Addon for Laravel - corley/influxdb-sdk (0.2.3)
Send your app metrics to InfluxDB - sg/datatablesbundle (v0.5.2)
Symfony2 Datatable Bundle For Doctrine2 Entities - hackzilla/password-generator-bundle (0.6)
Password Generator Bundle - zenify/coding-standard (v0.0.2, v0.0.1)
Set of rules for PHP_CodeSniffer based on PGS-2 (http://php-fg.com) and Nette CS. - hackzilla/password-generator (0.7.2)
Password Generator Library - braintree/braintree_php (2.33.0)
Braintree PHP Client Library - schlaefer/saito (4.3.3, 4.3.2)
Saito - The Threaded Forum - phly/http (0.4.2)
PSR HTTP Message implementations - tilleuls/ckeditor-sonata-media-bundle (v1.0.4)
Integrates SonataMediaBundle with CKEditor - jfelder/oracledb (4.2.1)
Oracle DB driver for Laravel 4 - phil/geolocation-bundle (0.3.2, 0.3.1)
A Symfony2 Bundle to handle geographic location. Add geolocation to your entities. Add address entities. Add user geo location. Add doctrine functions for calculating geographical distances in your project. - gnugat/redaktilo (v1.1.4)
Find, insert, replace and remove lines with an Editor-like object - vi-kon/laravel-auth (v1.1.3)
Role based authenticator for Laravel 4 - joefallon/kisstest (v1.1.3)
KissTest is a gorgeous and fast unit testing framework for PHP that does not require use of the command line. - data-values/common (0.2.3)
Contains common implementations of the interfaces defined by DataValuesInterfaces - henderjon/cleverservicewrapper (v1.2.2, v0.4.1, v1.2.1, v0.4.0, v1.2.0)
an injectable wrapper for Clever's PHP SDK - rdev/rdev (v0.0.5)
The RDev PHP framework - koalabs/commander (1.0.1)
- neoxygen/neoclient (1.6.2, 1.6.1, 1.6.0)
NeoClient is a PHP HttpClient for the Neo4j ReST API - mrimann/como (v1.2.1)
Tool to automatically elect the Coder of the Month based on the Git commits within your team. - scil/mthaml-more (v0.6.1, v0.6, v0.5.4, v0.5.3)
Add more features like snippet to MtHaml, one way to "Don't Reinvent the Wheel" - shamiao/l4mysqlqueue (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
A laravel 4 queue driver using MySQL database, developed for small websites. - helpscout/api (1.3.10)
API client for the Help Scout API - saxulum/saxulum-translation-provider (2.0.0, 1.0.4)
Saxulum Translation Provider (yaml) - ministryofjustice/opg-core-public-domain-model (,
Domain model for the OPG Core project - nicolaslopezj/searchable (1.1.1)
Eloquent model search trait. - jralph/presenter (1.1.1, 1.1.0)
- theodorejb/polycast (v0.3.0)
Safely cast values to int, float, or string - gettyimages/connect_sdk (1.0.2-beta)
Getty Images Connect PHP SDK - brokencube/hodgepodge (,
Personal utility libraries/mini-framework - sabre/vobject (3.3.3)
The VObject library for PHP allows you to easily parse and manipulate iCalendar and vCard objects - fabpot/goutte (v1.0.7)
A simple PHP Web Scraper - mcfedr/resque-bundle (2.0.0)
A bundle for resque - hyyan/flexible-widget-title (0.2.1, 0.2)
The plugin will enable you to hide widgets title in the front end while they still visible in the backend. - impreso/impreso (v0.91, v0.92)
Impreso forms - qbnk/qbank3api-phpwrapper (v0.6.3-alpha)
A PHP-Wrapper for QBank 3's API. Provides a simple way to communicate with QBank 3 from PHP. - hyyan/admin-color-schema (0.3, 0.2)
A wordpress plugin to enable wordpress themes to add its own admin color schema directly from theme - fire015/flintstone (v1.7.0)
A key/value database store using flat files for PHP - connection/dbmanager (2.1.0)
A mysql connection classe (with logger) - kalnoy/nestedset (v2.0)
Nested Set Model for Laravel 4 - devster/guzzle-wsse-plugin (2.0.1, 2.0.0)
Guzzle plugin to manage WSSE authentication - artatol/sandbox (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
The sandbox is a pre-packaged Nette Framework project, basic configured structure for artatol applications. - test/project (0.0.1)
- magyarjeti/loripsum-client (v2.0)
Lorem ipsum generator. - davidepastore/ipinfo (v0.1.0)
A wrapper around the ipinfo.io services - adamlc/address-format (1.1.0)
A PHP library to parse street addresses to localized formats - redbooth/redbooth (0.0.10)
Official Redbooth PHP client - opus-online/yii2-base (v1.2)
Base components used by projects and modules - jralph/notification (1.1.1, 1.1.0, 1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0)
- webcms2/investform-module (v0.1.9, v0.1.8)
Futurue value of annuity form module, with PDF export. - grubie/date_range (v1.0.1)
Helps handling ranges of dates with PHP 5.3 - multirequest/multirequest (1.0)
PHP library for easy and flexible multithread requests handling by CURL. - patchwork/dumper (v1.3.4, v1.3.3, v1.3.2)
High accuracy and flexible dumping for PHP variables - brokencube/automatorm (
Simple schema-led ORM, with no code generation required - stonedz/pff2 (v2.0.0-beta6)
A simple yet robust PHP MVC framework - dagardner/dacontainer (1.3.2, 1.3.1)
A simple but still advanced IoC container. - funnylookinhat/purgatory (v0.1.7)
Where objects go to wait. Easily work with any cloud object-store. - redmitten/circle (1.0.0)
An object-oriented approach to FizzBuzz - avisota/contao-subscription (2.0.1)
Subscribe core system for Avisota. - hypercharge/hypercharge-schema (1.25.2)
Hypercharge API JSON Schema - ve-interactive/logicprocessor (v0.2)
Library for being able to define logical rules and conditional outcomes - renegare/silexcsh (v0.1.1)
Cookie Session Handler for Silex (store session data client side) - crada/phalcon-user-plugin (1.1.8)
User plugin for Phalcon PHP framework - syrup/component-bundle (1.9.10, 1.8.10, 1.8.9, 1.8.8)
Syrup ComponentBundle - janisto/yii-ycm (1.1.3)
YCM - Yii Content Management module - infoweb-internet-solutions/yii2-cms (0.0.8)
CMS module for Yii2 - infoweb-internet-solutions/yii2-cms-pages (0.0.3)
Yii2 pages - innova/path-bundle (v2.2.1)
Claroline Path Bundle - infoweb-internet-solutions/yii2-cms-menu (1.0.0)
Menu module for Yii2 - janisto/yii-chosen (1.6.1)
Yii Widget for Chosen - Chosen is a JavaScript plugin that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly. - sokil/php-mongo (1.6.0)
Active Record for PHP Mongo - alexbilbie/proton (1.0.3)
Micro PHP framework - opus-online/yii2-classifier (v1.1.1)
Classifier component for Yii2 - vivait/bootstrap-bundle (1.2.5)
Bootstrap Common Bundle - slaxweb/ci-basemodel (0.3.3)
BaseModel for CodeIgniter - matryoshka-model/mongo-wrapper (v0.5.0)
MongoDB matryoshka wrapper - slm/queue-sqs (0.4.0-beta3)
Zend Framework 2 module that integrates with Amazon SQS queuing system - greenfieldtech-nirs/phpari (0.2)
A PHP Class Library for Asterisk ARI - matryoshka-model/zf2-matryoshka-module (v0.5.0)
ZF2 module for matryoshka library - devco/nessus-php (0.3.0)
PHP wrapper functions for interfacing with the Nessus API - slm/queue-doctrine (0.4.0-beta3)
Zend Framework 2 module that integrates Doctrine as queuing system - cargomedia/cm (1.74.2)
- cloud-solutions/zend-sentry (1.4.0)
A Zend Framework 2 module that lets you log to the Sentry service. - kmd/logviewer (1.2.1)
Laravel 4 log file viewer. - slm/queue (0.4.0-beta3)
Zend Framework 2 module that integrates with various queue management systems - samokspv/cakephp-db-configure (1.0.9)
Use it if you want to save and read serialized data into DB. - igormatkovic/memcache (1.7.1, 1.7)
Memcache module for Laravel 4 - turnaev/dev-generator-tool-bundle (v1.3.0)
Console tool bundle for Symfony 2.2+ - socialconnect/auth (0.1.6)
Social Connect Auth Component - huynguyen/mvc (
Framework cho php - socialconnect/common (0.2.5)
Common component - huynguyen/fa (4.2.1, 4.2.0)
Thư viện font awesome cho - pep/i18n (0.0.2)
- lexik/form-filter-bundle (v3.0.0)
This bundle aim to provide classes to build some form filters and then build a doctrine query from this form filter. - behat/mink-goutte-driver (v1.1.0)
Goutte driver for Mink framework - aftership/aftership-php-sdk (4.0.1)
The PHP SDK of AfterShip API - fkooman/php-lib-rest (0.4.11)
Simple PHP library for writing REST services. - fkooman/rest (0.4.11)
Simple PHP library for writing REST services. - matthiasmullie/minify (1.3.2)
CSS & JS minifier - coldume/translated-exception (v1.0.0)
Translate exception message in a different language - idma/laravel-parsley (v0.2)
Converts FormRequest rules to Parsley rules - flo/nimic (0.1)
A console app backbone with a cacheable dependency injection container - zenify/doctrine-methods-hydrator (v2.0.4)
Hydrates presenter methods from parameters to entities - anahkiasen/fakable (1.3.2)
Allows the creation and seeding of fake Eloquent models - vipx/bot-detect (v1.0.3)
Bot detector library - siwayll/phpcs-norme-dpsi (3.1)
Standard DPSI for PHPCS - anahkiasen/former (3.5.2)
A powerful form builder - m6web/log-bridge-bundle (v2.1.4)
SF2 Proxy manager Log - huynguyen/jscv (1.0.1)
javascript mvc framework - sokil/php-mongo-migrator (0.1.3)
Migrations for mongo - browscap/browscap-php (2.0.4)
Standalone replacement for php's native get_browser() function - sokil/php-image (0.5)
Realisation of some operations with images like croping and scaling. - apigen/apigen (v4.0.0-RC3)
PHP source code API generator - huynguyen/bootstrap (3.2.0)
"Clone bootstrap framework" - colon-b/mixer (0.1.17)
PHP Framework - iyank4/l4shell (1.2.2)
Add shell command wrapper to Laravel 4 - abienvenu/kyela (v1.3)
Participation polls for group events - dcweb/dcms (v0.6.2)
Groupdc CMS basic framework - hernandev/testing-laravel-5 (1.0.4)
Laravel 5 demo project.
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