
NetTuts.com: Refactoring Legacy Code - Part 11: The End?

NetTuts.com has completed their series on refactoring with the posting of part eleven today: "The End?" This post finishes off a series where they've moved from the most basic level of testing out to a complex set of tests that can ensure your code's quality and functionality even after making their recommended refactoring changes.

In our previous lesson we've learned a new way to understand and make code better by extracting till we drop. While that tutorial was a good way to learn the techniques, it was hardly the ideal example to understand the benefits of it. In this lesson we will extract till we drop on all of our trivia game related code and we will analyze the final result.

They start off by "attacking the longest method" (wasCorrectlyAnswered) by starting the testing process. They make some simple checks to ensure the output is correct for various circumstances and values. With these tests in place, they safely refactor the method, splitting it up into functional pieces and completely dropping the method in favor of more targeted handling. They finish off the post with a look at some final results and comparing the refactored code with the original on things like lines of code, complexity, dependencies and structure (using this tool).

Link: http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/refactoring-legacy-code-part-11-the-end--cms-22476

