The Three Devs & A Maybe podcast has released the latest episode of their podcast today, episode #47, that features an interview with Frank de Jonge about the flysystem library.
This week we are lucky to have Frank de Jonge (of Flysystem fame) on the show. Discussion starts off with an update on the latest Snapchat security vulnerability, and if there is any real point in the service to begin with. We then move on to chat about how Frank got into software development and his method for handling freelance work, by way of meeting his own expectations. This leads on to talk about Flysystem, how the package came about and its' addition to 'The League of Extraordinary Packages'. Finally, we touch upon the PHP community in Amsterdam and the great times had at Laracon Europe this year.
They also mention Snapchat and some of the parasite applications that "screw its users", the FuelPHP framework and Laracon 2014 Amsterdam. You can listen to this latest episode either by using the in-page audio player or downloading the mp3 directly. Remember to also subscribe to their feed if you enjoy the show and content.