- hyyan/flexible-widget-title (1.0.0)
The plugin will enable you to hide widgets title in the front end while they still visible in the backend. - fluxoft/rebar (0.11.2, 0.11.1, 0.11.0)
Rebar: A simple but sturdy support framework. - wafflesystems/io (1.0.0)
PHP Library for abstracting and implementing commonly used IO code. - kozz/yii-mongo-db-suite (1.5.0)
Almost complete, ActiveRecord like support for MongoDB - helios-ag/fm-elfinder-php-connector (2.0.2, 2.0.1)
ElFinder PHP backend, 5.3 compliant - freialib/bundle (v1.5.2)
freia bundle - fenrir/system (v1.1.5)
freia module - zenify/coding-standard (v0.0.3)
Set of rules for PHP_CodeSniffer based on PGS-2 (http://php-fg.com) and Nette CS. - pirminis/maybe-monad (1.2.1)
PHP monad library - matthiasmullie/minify (1.3.4, 1.3.3)
CSS & JS minifier - centraldesktop/protobuf-php (0.6.1, 0.6.0)
PHP implementation of Google's Protocol Buffers - bricks81/bricks-asset (0.0.6, 0.0.5, 0.0.4, 0.0.3, 0.0.2, 0.0.1)
ZF2 Bricks CMS Asset Managment - bricks81/bricks-file (0.0.4, 0.0.3, 0.0.2)
ZF2 Bricks CMS File Extension - intahwebz/weaver (0.4.3, 0.4.4, 0.4.2, 0.4.1)
An experiment in compositional programming. - raoul2000/yii2-bootswatch-asset (1.1.1)
Use Bootswatch theme in your Yii application with minimum effort - glorpen/propel-bundle (v1.2.5)
Propel events and model extending for Symfony2. - sokil/php-mongo (1.6.2, 1.6.1)
Active Record for PHP Mongo - uam/tcpdfx (4.0.3)
Extension of TCPDF library and FPDI library with added convenience methods. - c15k0/psfs (v0.4.9, 0.5, v0.6)
Php Simple Fast & Secure - ran/tools (v1.0.2)
freia module - getgrav/grav-theme-antimatter (1.1.4)
The default theme for the Grav flat-file CMS - torann/laravel-asana (0.1.0)
Asna API wrapper for Laravel - torann/laravel-repository (0.1.0)
Base repository implementation for Laravel - torann/laravel-weather (0.1.0)
Simple weather forecaster for Laravel - hatframework/hat-dependences (v0.1.53, v0.1.52, v0.1.51, v0.1.50, v0.1.49)
- hatframework/hat-plugin-usuario (v0.1.29, v0.1.28, v0.1.27, v0.1.26)
- hatframework/hat-plugin-plugins (v0.3.3, v0.3.2)
- italolelis/score-mastermind (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Exemplo do jogo mastermind - snapshot/boost-cache (0.0.5, 0.0.4)
Caching library for Boost framework. - hatframework/hat-resource-menu (v0.3.8, v0.3.7, v0.3.6)
- hatframework/hat-plugin-site (v0.2.4, v0.2.3)
- nckg/imageme (0.1.2, 0.1.1, 0.1.0)
Image resizing on the fly - with caching - dreamfactory/yii (
Yii Web Programming Framework - hatframework/hat-resource-jqueryui (v0.3.6)
- hatframework/hat-resource-html (v0.4.4, v0.4.3)
- hatframework/hat-resource-formulario (v0.3.15, v0.3.14, v0.3.13)
- sensiolabs/silex-connect (v2.0.0)
A Silex service provider for SensioLabs Connect - emmanuelballery/eb-plantumlbundle (0.0.2)
EBPlantUMLBundle - wan2land/wandu-console (1.1.0)
Simple is the best. Console Library. - bkwld/reporter (2.5.0)
Generate styled logs of Laravel 4 requests that include application timing, memory usage, input data, and sql queries - conorsmith/dublinbikes (v0.1)
Client library for JCDecaux's self-service bikes API for Dublinbikes. - keboola/provisioning-client (0.4.2)
Keboola Provisioning Client - elcodi/bamboo-admin (v0.3.6)
Bamboo Admin, an ecommerce admin tool built on Elcodi - app-zap/phpframework (1.2.0)
- schlaefer/saito (4.3.4)
Saito - The Threaded Forum - schmunk42/giic (0.1.4)
Toolset for running Gii on the command line - credibility/dandb-laravel (v0.1.0)
- hranicka/yetorm (3.3.1, 3.3.0)
Lightweight ORM for NetteDatabase - nick-jones/globby (v0.2.8)
Glob wildcard †' regular expression translation library - googleads/googleads-php-lib (5.5.2)
Google Ads APIs Client Library for PHP (AdWords, Adx, and DFP) - mikro/presenter (0.1.0)
Simple view presenters for your laravel application. - elcodi/elcodi (v0.3.11)
Barebones Ecommerce functionality for Symfony - elcodi/coupon-bundle (v0.3.11)
Elcodi Coupon Bundle - elcodi/product-bundle (v0.3.11)
Elcodi Product Bundle - elcodi/product (v0.3.11)
Elcodi Product Component - hatframework/hat-plugin-index (v0.1.7)
- elcodi/currency-bundle (v0.3.11)
Elcodi Currency Bundle - elcodi/coupon (v0.3.11)
Elcodi Coupon Component - elcodi/currency (v0.3.11)
Elcodi Currency Component - elcodi/bamboo-fixtures (v0.3.5)
Bamboo Fixtures - spiegeleye/php-string-plus (1.1.1)
More string helpers for PHP - packaged/querybuilder (0.3.0)
Abstract Query Builder - integrated/solr-bundle (0.2.4)
Integrated Solr Bundle - integrated/library (0.2.4)
Integrated Library - allplayers/webhooks (2.72.1)
AllPlayers webhooks implementation for external services. - nicolaslopezj/searchable (1.1.2)
Eloquent model search trait. - devisephp/cms (0.6.10)
Content Management System riding on top of the Laravel Framework - autarky/framework (0.5.6)
Autarky - PHP framework for self-sufficient developers - illuminate-education/swift-reach-api (v1.2.2)
PHP library to integrate with SwiftReach - hyyan/logo-controller (0.2, 0.1)
Wordpress plugin to add new option for the theme customizer allowing the user to change th logo in website and the login page - bkwld/library (2.16.1)
Misc PHP code - ministryofjustice/opg-core-public-domain-model (
Domain model for the OPG Core project - paypal/rest-api-sdk-php (v0.12.0)
PayPal's PHP SDK for REST APIs - behance/api-network (2.0.0)
Simply connect to the Behance Network using PHP and cURL - shalomsam/core (v1.2.0-alpha)
Core PHP Framework - techdivision/webserver (0.2.3)
Multithreaded webserver for php written in php - integrated/content-bundle (0.2.4)
Integrated Content Bundle - bookability/bookability-php (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Bookability client for PHP with support for API v1 - siwayll/phpcs-norme-dpsi (3.1.1)
Standard DPSI for PHPCS - qobo/phake-builder (v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
A set of build and deploy files, based on jaz303/phake - errant/etcd (0.1.0)
QED is an etcd library for PHP 5.5+ - anahkiasen/arrounded (0.3.0)
A set of self-aware Laravel abstracts that know their way around - syrup/component-bundle (1.9.12, 1.9.11)
Syrup ComponentBundle - bookability/bookability-l4 (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Wrapper on the Bookability package provided by Bookability - with support for Laravel 4. - labtech-software/connectwise-psa-sdk (v1.1.4)
LabTech's PHP SDK for the ConnectWise PSA - twig/twig (v1.16.1)
Twig, the flexible, fast, and secure template language for PHP - alexbilbie/proton (1.0.4)
Micro PHP framework - netzmacht/contao-form-helper (0.3.3)
Library for supporting customized Contao form rendering - learninglocker/learninglocker (v1.1.2)
The open source learning record store. - yiisoft/jquery-pjax (v2.0.1)
pushState + ajax = pjax, a forked maintainted by the Yii Framework core developers - chartblocks/php-rest-sdk (1.1.0)
ChartBlocks SDK - bepado/sdk (v1.5.91, v1.5.90)
The PHP Software Development Kit for Shop developers. - lukerodham/validation (0.2.1, 0.2.0)
Validation library - nelmio/alice (1.7.2)
Expressive fixtures generator - qbnk/qbank3api-phpwrapper (v0.7.0-alpha, v0.6.4-alpha)
A PHP-Wrapper for QBank 3's API. Provides a simple way to communicate with QBank 3 from PHP. - hatframework/hat-plugin-mensagem (v0.1.6)
- dcweb/dcms (v0.8, v0.7.2, v0.7.1)
Groupdc CMS basic framework - hatframework/hatclasses (v0.2.20)
Core classes of hat-framework - tfox/mpdf-port-bundle (1.2.3)
A wrapper for mPDF class which allows to use mPDF in Symfony2 projects - stonedz/pff2-installers (v1.0.0-alpha1)
Composer installers for pff2 - themosis/framework (1.0.5, 1.0.4)
The Themosis framework. - ongr/ssi-bundle (v0.3.0)
Server Side Includes (SSI) fragment renderer for Symfony2 applications - twisto-payments/twisto (2.6)
Library providing support for Twisto.cz payments service - forxer/tao (0.4)
Tiny and lightweight PHP proto-framework based on famous libraries. - mysql/schematic (1.3.4)
A simple MySQL migration management tool in PHP, create and update databases automatically with a config json file without having to use inbuilt ORM functions. - escapework/laravelhelpers (0.7.0)
Some Laravel 4 helpers to enjoy even more development - leonjza/php-nessus-ng (0.6)
PHP wrapper functions for interfacing with the Nessus API - imanee/imanee (0.1.1, 0.1)
A PHP Image Manipulation Library based on Imagemagick - majes/cms-bundle (v1.20.16, v1.20.15)
Majes framework cms bundle - spomky-labs/oauth2-server-access-token-manager (v3.0.3)
OAuth2 Server Access Token Manager library - vytautasgimbutas/lib-hawk-authentication-guzzle-subscriber (v1.0.0)
Guzzle subscriber for Hawk Authentication - zetacomponents/unit-test (1.0.2)
zetacomponents/unit-test Component - spomky-labs/oauth2-interface (v3.0.7)
OAuth2 Server Interface library - vytautasgimbutas/lib-hawk-authentication-bundle (v1.0.0)
Hawk Authentication Bundle for Symfony2 - pygments/pygments (1.0.0)
Syntax highlighter bridge for pygments - rase/socket.io-emitter (0.6.0)
A PHP implementation of socket.io-emitter - morrow/docs (1.0.0)
The documentation for the Morrow PHP framework. - internations/kodierungsregelwerksammlung (0.5.0)
Custom InterNations code sniffer rules - tornado/lib-hawk-guzzle-subscriber (1.0.0)
Guzzle subscriber for Hawk Authentication - magyarjeti/laravel-lipsum (v1.0)
Lorem ipsum generator for Laravel Framework - redbooth/redbooth (0.0.11)
Official Redbooth PHP client - bluzphp/framework (0.6.0)
Lightweight PHP framework - evaneos/pyrite (v1.0.2)
PHP Framework around Stack php principle - datachore/datachore (0.0.3)
Datachore is a Query Builder and ORM for Google Appengine's Datastore - saxulum/saxulum-translation-provider (2.0.1)
Saxulum Translation Provider (yaml) - majes/core-bundle (v1.20.13)
Majes framework core bundle - taviroquai/duality (v0.13.0)
Micro PHP Framework - akeneo/pim-community-standard (v1.2.8)
The "Akeneo Community Standard Edition" distribution - da/oauth-client-bundle (v1.1.4, v1.1.3)
DaOAuthClientBundle is a Symfony2's bundle allowing to use an application as an oauth client - hypejunction/cmp-filestore (1.0.4)
Filestore classes - innova/path-bundle (v2.2.2)
Claroline Path Bundle - da/oauth-server-bundle (v1.1.2)
This is a prototype bundle - morrow/framework (1.0.0)
A clean project to start building your awesome app. - mnlg/language-middleware (1.0.0)
Language middleware for the Slim framework - ogizanagi/dateintervalbundle (v0.1)
Provides additionnal features to handle DateIntervals, as a FormType or a Doctrine DBAL Type - morrow/core (1.0.0)
Contains the core files of the Morrow framework that live in the vendor folder. - mcfedr/awspushbundle (4.0.2, 4.0.1)
A set of services to simplify using AWS to send push notifications - yajra/zillow (v1.0.2, v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
Laravel Wrapper for Zillow API - naonaox1126/vizualizer_twitter (v1.6.3)
Visual Framework in PHP - matycz/lemo-base (1.0.6)
Module with basic classes - phraseanet/php-sdk (0.5.0)
A library to interact with Phraseanet API - neerrar/slimvc (0.3)
View & controller for Slim framework - helios-ag/fm-elfinder-bundle (2.3.1)
ElFinder bundle, adds ElFinder file manager to your Symfony2 project - maniaplanet/maniaplanet-ws-sdk (5.0.6)
SDK for the ManiaPlanet Web Services API. - huynguyen/mvc (,
Framework cho php - mamchenkov/mysql-find-and-replace (v1.0.0)
Find and replace tool for MySQL - sokil/php-image (0.7.1)
Realisation of some operations with images like croping and scaling. - raulfraile/ladybug-bundle (v1.0.6)
Symfony2 bundle for Ladybug library (Simple and Extensible PHP Dumper) - onlinetravelgroup/ean-client (0.3.0)
Client for consuming the EAN Hotel API, based on Guzzle - access-manager/access-manager (2.0)
The Open Source Hotpsot Management System. - radnan/rdn-exception (v1.1.0)
Zend Framework 2 module to normalize errors and exceptions
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