The PHP-FIG (Framework Interoperability Group) has been helping to define standards that can be adopted by projects to make them easier to cross-pollinate and give developers more choices with less hassle. One of the latest to be proposed by the group is PSR-6, the Caching proposal. For those not familiar with it, Robert Hafner has written up an introduction to the proposal and what it all entails.
There's been a lot of discussion about PSR-6, the php-fig caching interfaces, so I thought it was time to step in and describe what this system is all about. Be prepared to read far more about caching interfaces than you probably thought possible.
He starts with a look at why a standard like this might be necessary (and links to the PSR-6 docs for the official word). He does also mention some alternative proposals and gets into details - with code examples - of each of them and shows how they relate back to what's proposed in PSR-6. He finishes off the post with a brief Q&A trying to dispel some of the myths that have com up around the standard. These include "This is all just too complex", "The Pool/Item model isn't used anywhere" and " This is just standardizing Stash", each with their own summary and feedback.