
NetTuts.com: Programming with Yii2: Getting Started

On the NetTuts.com site today Jeff Reifman has kicked off a new series of posts introducing you to the Yii2 framework and what it has to offer. In this first post he starts with the basics - installation, setup and configuration of a Yii2 application.

This tutorial will walk you through installing Yii 2.0, setting up your local development environment, building a simple Hello World application, setting up your remote production environment for hosting and deploying your code from a GitHub repository.

He walks you through the install process, via Composer, and creating a new project, the "Hello World". The tutorial also helps you set up a local development environment with MAMP and what the resulting page should look like when loaded. He then gets into some of the architecture of a Yii-based application and starts in on the "Hello World" controllers and views. He finishes the post with a look at setting up a remote server (not localhost) and pushing the application out, complete with commands for server setup and software configuration (like Apache).

Link: http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/programming-with-yii2-getting-started--cms-22440

