
Symfony Blog: SymfonyCon Madrid 2014: Entire speaker line up revealed!

In this latest announcement on the Symfony blog they've announced the release of the full schedule for the upcoming SymfonyCon Madrid 2014 (happening near the end of November). The lineup includes:

  • "Growing and managing communities for large Open Source projects" by Jen Lampton
  • "Life After Assetic: State of the Art Symfony 2 Frontend Dev" by Michelle Sanver
  • "Feature Flags with Symfony" by Benjamin Eberlei
  • "The Twelve-Factor App: Best Practices for PHP on Platforms-as-a-Service" by David Zuelke
  • "Implementing data synchronization API for mobile apps with Silex" by Michele Orselli

The event will also include a keynote from Fabien Potencier and close with a look at profiling in PHP from the same. You can find out more about the conference and pick up your own tickets on the main conference site.

Link: http://symfony.com/blog/symfonycon-madrid-2014-entire-speaker-line-up-revealed

