- manovotny/wp-phpunit-helpers (1.4.1)
Simple PHPUnit helpers for testing WordPress. - 51systems/rocketeer-clear-apc (0.0.11)
Rocketeer plugin to clear the apc cache. - rdlowrey/nbsock (v0.4.3)
Non-blocking socket connection/encryption using the Amp concurrency framework - jimlind/tivo-php (v0.3.1)
Communicate with a S3 TiVo via Guzzle - sostheblack/moip (v1.0.0)
- chevron/kernel (v0.5.0, v0.4.2)
a subset of tools for application development - icecave/flax (0.1.0)
A client library for the Hessian binary web services protocol. - patlenain/gas (0.3.7)
GAS (Gestion d'Association Simple) - burnbright/silverstripe-listeditor (1.0.0)
Front-end DataList create/edit/delete control. - nurmanhabib/navigator (2.0.2)
- devisephp/cms (0.7)
Content Management System riding on top of the Laravel Framework - fguillot/picofeed (v0.0.1)
Modern library to write or read feeds (RSS/Atom) - bugbuster/mobiledetection (3.5.0)
Contao helper class for detecting mobile phones and tablets (device type). A Hook adds a CSS class in the body tag. - krzysztof-magosa/saffron (5.0.1)
Tiny PHP router - hernandev/cpf (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Validador e Formatador de CPF - Nao use esse pacote pois é uma demonstração - arturoliveira/yii2-tileslidemenu (1.2)
TileSlideMenu - black-project/black-standard-edition (v2.5.7)
The "Black Edition" distribution build on top of "Symfony Standard Edition" - rkr/php-mysql-query-builder (
Easy to use query builder for PHP5.3+/PDO - whiteoctober/swiftmailerdbbundle (1.0.3)
Database spooling for SwiftMailer - whiteoctober/breadcrumbs-bundle (1.0.2)
A small breadcrumbs bundle for Symfony2 - zofe/deficient (1.0.11, 1.0.10, 1.0.9, 1.0.8, 1.0.7, 1.0.6, 1.0.5, 1.0.4)
Experimental subset of laravel components - ehesp/steam-login (v1.0.1)
A simple PHP Steam login and validation package - php-vcr/phpunit-testlistener-vcr (1.1.4)
Integrates PHPUnit with PHP-VCR. - saxulum/saxulum-http-client-adapter-vinelab (1.0.0)
Saxulum Http Client Adapter Vinelab - silverstripe/bootstrap-forms (1.1.5)
Allows you to create forms in SilverStripe that are compatible with Twitter Bootstrap. - unclecheese/bootstrap-forms (1.1.5)
Allows you to create forms in SilverStripe that are compatible with Twitter Bootstrap. - chajr/class-kernel (0.2.1)
Class Kernel libraries - sjdaws/vocal (0.2.4)
Extended functionality for Eloquent in Laravel 4.1+ - annotatecms/packages (1.0.0)
Package management extension for AnnotateCms framework - bosnadev/commander (0.0.1)
Commands and domain events - mak/phing-foreach-parallel-task (v1.0.0)
phing task to run sub-tasks in a foreach-loop in separate, parallel processes - donatj/phpuseragentparser (v0.3.1)
Simple, streamlined PHP user-agent parser - entidi/silverstrap (2.0.9, 2.0.8)
A silverstripe theme based on Bootstrap front-end framework - amphp/artax (v1.0.0-rc4)
Asynchronous parallel HTTP/1.1 client built on the Amp concurrency framework - mccool/laravel-auto-presenter (3.0.0-beta6, 3.0.0-beta5)
A system for auto-decorating models with presenter objects. - anahkiasen/rocketeer-slack (2.0.1)
Slack plugin for Rocketeer - taxamo/taxamo-php (1.0.7)
Taxamo PHP Library - redsuns/email-component (0.2, 0.1)
Um componente básico para o envio de e-mails - romeoz/rock-validate (0.9.2)
Flexible validator for PHP with I18N. - slm/queue-sqs (0.4.2)
Zend Framework 2 module that integrates with Amazon SQS queuing system - crate/crate-dbal (0.0.2)
A Doctrine Database Abstraction Layer for the Crate.io DBMS - elnebuloso/bundler (7.1.0)
bundle your project files, your stylesheets and your javascripts - sylius/resource-bundle (v0.11.0)
Resource component for Sylius. - sylius/sylius (v0.11.0)
Modern ecommerce for Symfony2 - arcticfalcon/laravel-analytics (1.3, 1.2, 1.1.0)
Analytics tracking for laravel 4.x - vinelab/http (v1.1.1)
An http library developed for the laravel framework. aliases itself as HttpClient - escapework/laravelhelpers (0.7.1)
Some Laravel 4 helpers to enjoy even more development - arkraft/alerts (1.0)
Using bootstrap growl to create alerts inside controllers. - aura-is-here/laravel-multi-tenant (0.1.0-RC1)
- igorw/composer-yaml (v1.0.0)
Tool to convert from composer.yml to composer.json. - creakiwi/yaml-fixtures (v0.1.1)
Symfony YamlFixtures on top of DoctrineFixturesBundle - mesd/settings-bundle (v1.0.0-beta2)
MESD SettingsBundle - pilat/daemonizer (1.0.3)
PHP Daemonizer - fkooman/php-lib-rest (0.6.3)
Simple PHP library for writing REST services. - fkooman/rest (0.6.3)
Simple PHP library for writing REST services. - yoozi/golem (1.0.8)
PHP development toolkit for Yoozi RD team. - kisma/kisma (0.2.73)
PHP Utility Belt - wikibase/data-model (2.1.0)
PHP implementation of the Wikibase DataModel - hashids/hashids (1.0.2)
Generate hashids like YouTube or Bitly from numbers to obfuscate your database primary ids, or navigate to the right shard. - cnam/gitlab-api (0.0.17, 0.0.16)
Sdk for integration gitlab api - vectorface/dunit (v1.3.0)
Test code against multiple versions of PHP with the help of docker - cargomedia/cm (1.75.3)
- billforward/bf-php (v1.2014.299.1, v1.2014.299)
BillForward PHP Client Library - clearleft/twig-extensions (v0.1)
A few handy extensions for Twig. - felds/google-places-api-client (1.0.1)
Google Places API client using the Guzzle library - majes/media-bundle (v1.20.13)
Majes framework media bundle - majes/core-bundle (v1.20.16)
Majes framework core bundle - majes/social-bundle (v1.20.3, v1.20.2)
Majes framework social bundle - techdivision/server (0.1.7)
Multithreaded server daemon framework - phpro/zf-doctrine-hydration-module (0.1.3, 0.1.2)
Doctrine hydrators for ZF2 - patricktalmadge/bootstrapper (5.2.0)
Twitter Bootstrap markup generator - tomaj/php-payments (1.3)
PHP ePayment library - skwi/project-base-bundle (2.0.1)
Bundle with base code for projects - easylo/splunk-bundle (0.0.4)
Bundle for Symfony2 that extends Monolog for Splunk support - andyburton/sonic-framework (1.3.0)
Sonic PHP development framework - jamm/tester (1.1.1, 1.1.0, 1.0.6, 1.0.5, 1.0.4, 1.0.2, 1.0.1)
Unit-testing module (better than PHPUnit) - alcalyn/payplug-bundle (v1.2.1, v1.2)
Payplug integration to symfony2 - easyrdf/easyrdf (0.9.0-rc.3, 0.9.0-rc.2)
EasyRdf is a PHP library designed to make it easy to consume and produce RDF. - thunderhorse/report (
Thunderhorse report module - sinergi/browsersession (0.1.2)
Portable and cacheable browser sessions - symfony2admingenerator/form-extensions-bundle (v2.0-beta.3)
Add additional form types to symfony2 - ministryofjustice/opg-core-public-domain-model (
Domain model for the OPG Core project - jihel/dynamic-parameter-bundle (1.0.0)
A SF2 bundle to register parameters from database to container - sepia/po-parser (4.0.0)
Gettext *.PO file parser for PHP. - icanboogie/mailer (v1.0.0)
Handles emails generation and sending. - raphy/epitech-api (v1.1.2)
An easy and modular API to request information from the Epitech's intranet - divansource/atelier (1.0)
Photographic filters using PHP5 Imagick - simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp (v1.13.1)
A PHP implementation of SAML 2.0 service provider and identity provider functionality. And is also compatible with Shibboleth 1.3 and 2.0. - gridonic/database-utils-service-provider (1.0.8, 1.0.7)
Database utilities service provider for Silex. Include some database commands and adds fixtures for your database. - costa-rico/yii2-images (1.0.4)
yii2 images module for storing images - ionews/light-service-php (v0.4.1, v0.4)
Provides a simple interface to implement complex actions through a serie of simple actions - fieryprophet/php-sandbox (v1.3.9)
A PHP library that can be used to run PHP code in a sandboxed environment - cultuurnet/culturefeed (v3.3.0)
CultuurNet culturefeed PHP library & Drupal module - packaged/helpers (0.6.0)
Generic PHP Helper Classes & Functions - goalio/goalio-mailservice (1.2.1, 1.2)
Provide configurable Mail Transport Factories for ZF2 - syrup/component-bundle (1.9.18, 1.9.17)
Syrup ComponentBundle - solve/autoloader (v1.0.0)
- [ Autoloader ] Class loader - symfony2admingenerator/generator-bundle (v2.0-beta.18)
Admingenerator for Symfony2 based on YAML configuration and Twig templating - zxqfox/css-selector-parser (0.0.5, 0.0.4, 0.0.2, 0.0.1)
Simple CSS selector parser. PHP port of https://github.com/mdevils/node-css-selector-parser - esteit/catalol-api-client (1.4.7)
FPC client - janisto/yii2-environment (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Environment class for Yii 2, used to set configuration for console and web apps depending on the server environment. - brickrouge/brickrouge (v2.1.0)
A toolkit to create HTML elements - fkooman/rest-plugin-bearer (0.2.1)
Bearer (OAuth) Authentication plugin for fkooman/rest - undefinedoffset/sortablegridfield (0.4.1)
Adds drag and drop functionality to SilverStripe 3.0's GridField - openbuildings/shipping (0.6.2, 0.6.1)
Add complex shipping to openbuildings/purchases package - peridot-php/peridot (1.0.3)
Event driven testing framework for PHP 5.4+ - mosch/php-git (v0.1.3)
A Git wrapper for PHP5.3+ - keboola/php-utils (0.1.3)
Misc utility functions - icybee/module-cache (v2.0.0)
Provides a common API and a centralized place to manage caches. - wu3rstle/slimtpl (1.0.2)
project template using slim, raintpl end eloquent orm - gilek/ewus (1.1a)
Biblioteka do usprawnienia komunikacji z systemem eWUŚ. - easylo/splunk-sdk (1.0)
splunk sdk for PHP - leroy-merlin-br/laravel-axado-api (v1.5.3)
A consumer for axado API. - crate/crate-pdo (0.0.3)
A PDO adapter for interacting with the Crate.io DBMS - namesco/ztal (1.6.1, 1.6.0)
ZTal makes integrating the PHP templating system PHPTAL into Zend Framework easy. - openbuildings/purchases (0.6.1)
Multi Store Purchases - zfr/zfr-stripe (v2.3.5)
PHP library for interacting with the Stripe REST API - suramon/sf-propel-sql-diff-plugin (0.3.5)
Generate diff.sql file, which contains difference between schema.yml and current database structure - opensearchserver/opensearchserver (3.0.6)
PHP library for OpenSearchServer: professionnal search engine, crawlers (web, file, database), REST APIs, .... This library uses OpenSearchServer's V2 API. - orno/di (v2.1.1)
Orno Di is a small but powerful dependency injection container with automatic resolution of dependencies. - alepane21/php-google-spreadsheet-client (2.2.6, 2.2.5, 2.2.4, 2.2.3, 2.2.1)
Google Spreadsheet PHP Client (forked to work on PHP 5.2.1+) - michaelbasford/php-cli (1.0.0)
A PHP cli application template using Symfony's Console Component. - hatframework/hat-dependences (v0.1.67)
- jb/yahooweatherapibundle (0.6.2)
JbYahooWeatherApi Bundle for Symfony2 - hatframework/hat-resource-api (v0.3.8)
Resource package integration with aws amazon services - mapado/stripe (v0.3.0)
High level api for stripe-php - arx/core (4.1.9)
Arx core is a boosted web development kit for Laravel and also for non Laravel project including usefull classes, starter template, starter assets ! - icanboogie/module-installer (v1.2.2)
Module installer for ICanBoogie - nathanmac/parser (v2.0)
Simple PHP Parser Utility Library for API Development - nathanmac/responder (v2.0)
Simple PHP Responder Utility Library for API Development - sammaye/mongoyii (8.1.0)
A Yii MongoDB ORM - enm/transformer-bundle (0.3.2)
This bundle can be used for transforming an array, an object or a json-string into a needed array, object or json-string and validating the values and the schema against a configuration array. - lbarulski/image-storage (v0.1.2)
- enm/transformer (0.3.0)
This library can be used for transforming an array, an object or a json-string into a needed array, object or json-string and validating the values and the schema against a configuration array. - dc/cache-memcache (0.2)
Cache interface - dc/cache (0.2)
Cache interface - cornford/logical (v1.0.0)
An easy way execute logical statements over a none persisted results set in Laravel. - nanjingboy/commander (v0.1.0)
Command line interfaces make easy to build command line application - jonnyanyc/gmetric-php (0.1.0-alpha5)
A simple, lightweight PHP client for sending Gmetric data to a Ganglia node via UDP. - simplon/form (0.1.2, 0.1.1)
Easy form building, validation and follow-up callbacks - pingpong/admin (1.0.13, 1.0.12, 1.0.11)
Simple Administrator Package for Laravel 4 - kartik-v/yii2-slider (v1.2.0)
An advanced slider input for Yii Framework 2 for both touch enabled and desktop devices based on bootstrap-slider. - nerweb/laravel-tblist (v1.2.1)
Simple admin table listing for bootstrap 3 and laravel 4|5
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