
Hari KT: Zend Feed and Guzzle

Hari KT has posted some of the results of his work integrating the Guzzle client into the Zend Feed component for use in handling it's HTTP requests and responses.

You may have worked with Zend Feed as a standalone component. I don't know whether you have integrated Zend framework Feed with Guzzle as Http Client. This post is inspired by Matthew Weier O'Phinney, who have mentioned the same on github.

He starts with the contents of his composer.json configuration file, pulling in Guzzle, ZendFeed and ZendService, and explaining the need for each. He then makes a simple "GuzzleClient" class and "GuzzleResponse" class that fit with the needed interfaces used by ZendFeed. Then he "wires them up" and injects the custom client and responses classes into the ZendFeed instance.

Link: http://harikt.com/blog/2015/04/01/zend-feed-and-guzzle/

