
PHP-FIG: PSR-7 Voting Canceled

The voting phase for the PSR-7 proposal (HTTP messaging structure) has been cancelled due to the desire to improve and clarify the spec before approving it.

Since we put PSR-7 up for a vote, a number of issues have arisen that we feel require attention. In most cases these are clarifications that, had they been made during REVIEW, could have been merged without dropping the spec back to DRAFT. Sadly, since PSR-7 is now up for a vote, we cannot make clarifications to the spec. We cannot even make clarifications after the spec is accepted, either, except by way of annotations and errata in the meta document.

We've weighed the risk of leaving the spec as-is against canceling the vote and making the required changes directly to the spec itself. This has been an ongoing discussion since the middle of last week. I had a meeting with Mathew and Paul this morning in which we decided that it would be in the best interest of everyone for us to cancel the vote and make the changes directly.

The call was a tough one, but the discussions around the proposal have worked out a lot of the kinks, just not all of them. As is mentioned in the Google Groups post, the PSR will go back up for a vote in two weeks. PSR-7 outlines a standardized interface for working with HTTP requests and responses, providing interoperability between frameworks and tools at this basic level.

Link: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/php-fig/42WhFKJzgrQ/9YbhKdLEOp4J

