On the SitePoint PHP blog there's a post from editor Bruno Skvorc showing you how to create recursive partials in Blade, the templating library that the Laravel framework uses internally for rendering output.
n this tutorial, we'll go through the process of implementing recursive partials in Laravel's Blade templating engine by means of the @each command. This will allow us to render data structures with an arbitrary number of nested children without needing to know the maximum depth of the array.
In his example, he's rendering the data from a nested set, a folder structure that could potentially go many levels down. He gives an example of the data he's working with in PHP arrays and how it could be outputted in plain old PHP. Of course, things have to be done a little differently in Blade and he includes the templates to do it - the main level and a partial that's used to output the folder information. He shows the use of "@each" in these examples and explains how it works and an example of the output.
Link: http://www.sitepoint.com/laravel-blade-recursive-partials/