- hellogerard/less-slim-middleware (v0.1.0)
Slim Framework middleware to compile LESS CSS files on-the-fly. Supports minification and caching. - netcommons/install (0.0.12, 0.0.11)
Install Plugin for NetCommons3 - cathedral/builder (0.1.6)
Database Layer builder - netcommons/users (0.0.5, 0.0.4)
Users Plugin for CakePHP - rydurham/sentinel (v1.4.10)
An implementation of the Sentry User Manager for Laravel. - dv-affection/deployment-builds-executor-bundle (0.1.4)
Symfony bundle for deployment-builds-executor library - dv-affection/deployment-builds-executor (0.1.4)
Tracks build scripts order of precedence and executes them in series - folklore/image (v0.1.1)
Image manipulation library for Laravel 4 based on Imagine and inspired by Croppa for easy url based manipulation - heyday/silverstripe-gridfieldversionedorderablerows (0.1.1)
Allows Versioned Orderable Rows In GridField - awakenweb/livedocx (1.0)
Livedocx webservice PHP API for PDF generation without using Zend Framework - alexsoft/nginx-generator (v1.0.2, v1.0.1, v0.1.0, v0.0.1)
Package for generating nginx configuration file for your Laravel app - jimbojsb/simple-asset (v0.1.4, v0.1.3, v0.1.2, v0.1.1, v0.1)
Simple asset manager for PHP, LESS, CSS and JavaScript - gurucmsmodules/kiwisoft-team-module (1.0.0)
- cliffparnitzky/backend-custom-startpage (1.0.0)
Provides the possibility for each user to select an individual startpage in the backend. - vvvlad/abstractds (0.1.1)
This library is intended to implement an abstract data store layer against AWS services such as SimpleDB, DynamoDB and S3. The library will expose a Service Provider for Laravel 4. - adam-lynch/simple-feature-detector (0.0.6)
A very lightweight dependency-free feature-detector - p3in/firephp (1.1.4, 1.1.3)
FirePHP Support for Laravel 4 - txs/db (0.1.5)
Db class for txs - jmgq/a-star (v1.1.0)
A* (A Star) algorithm for PHP - hpatoio/bitly-api (1.0.1)
PHP Library based on Guzzle to consume Bit.ly API - bw/active-menu-item-bundle (v1.1.2)
The active menu item highlight of simple HTML menu for Symfony framework - unclecheese/betterbuttons (1.0.3)
Adds new form actions and buttons to GridField detail form for usability enhancements. - elnebuloso/rollout (0.0.1)
rollout / rollback your project - dcarbone/soap-plus (0.4.2)
PHP SoapClient wrapper class - duncan3dc/phpexcel (1.0.0)
A simple wrapper around phpexcel - elnebuloso/flex (2.6.1, 2.6.0)
flexible components for php, easy to use - elnebuloso/bundler (2.1.1, 2.1.0)
bundling files n' stuff - brianfreytag/php-bijective (v1.0.0)
Encodes any integer into a base(n) string - webpay/webpay (2.0.0)
Bindings of WebPay API - prewk/xml-string-streamer (0.5.1, 0.5.0)
Stream large XML files with low memory consumption - sokil/php-rest (0.19)
Framework to build RESTful service - oldsound/rabbitmq-bundle (v1.4.1)
Integrates php-amqplib with Symfony2 and RabbitMq - duncan3dc/helpers (1.0.5, 1.0.4, 1.0.3)
A collection of useful helper functions - jordanandree/resumator-api (0.2.3)
Resumator API PHP Wrapper - apruve/apruve-php (v0.3.0)
Apruve PHP Library to support apruve.js. - koala-framework/library-jqplot (v1.0.8)
jqplot JavaScript Library - koala-framework/library-css3pie (v1.0.0)
CCSS3 PIE JavaScript Library - titon/toolkit (1.5.0)
A collection of extensible front-end UI components for the responsive and mobile web. - discophp/framework (2.0.7)
php framework - athletic/athletic (v0.1.8)
PHP Benchmarking Framework - onefasteuro/theme (v1)
- voceconnect/voce-post-meta-psu (1.0.5)
Post Meta API Extension for Post Selection UI fields - voceconnect/post-selection-ui (1.0.8)
A WordPress library to display a user interface to easily select posts from any post type - bjoern-goetschke/unique-id (0.1.2)
UniqueID php library (php 5.3+ using namespaces) - gpupo/similarity (v1.0.0-alpha)
Calculate the similarity between strings - csanquer/pdo-service-provider (v0.3, v0.2)
a PDO database service provider for silex - sabre/vobject (2.1.5)
The VObject library for PHP allows you to easily parse and manipulate iCalendar and vCard objects - duncan3dc/swiftmailer (1.1.0)
A simple wrapper around swiftmailer - bca/architect (1.1.2, 1.1.1, 1.1.0)
Phing build configuration for internal use in BCA projects. - saitswebuwm/shibboleth (0.5.1)
Enable basic Shibboleth support for Laravel. - ibrows/be-simple-deployment-bundle (1.1.5)
Symfony2 applications deployment made easy - seeclickfix/laravel-seeclickfix-api (0.1.3)
SeeClickFix Laravel API - 3rdpartyeve/perry (1.1.1)
A PHP Library to access EVE Online's CREST API - zeroclipboard/zeroclipboard (2.0.0)
The ZeroClipboard library provides an easy way to copy text to the clipboard using an invisible Adobe Flash movie and a JavaScript interface. - ellipsesynergie/api-response (0.3.2)
Simple package to handle response properly in your API - keboola/gooddata-writer-php-client (1.8.0, 1.7.0)
PHP Client for KBC GoodData Writer - m6web/redis-bundle (v1.0.7)
bundle sf2 on top of m6web/redis-component - jijidev/flyresizer (v1.0.7, v1.0.6)
Handler for dynamically resize image with url specific format : 'path/img-filename-x.png' - m6web/redis-component (v1.0.2)
lib allowing you using redis through predis - cog/stupidmqbundle (2.2.1, 2.1.1, 2.0.1, 2.4.2)
stupid message queue bundle for sf2 - league/url (3.0.0-beta.2)
leagueurl is a lightweight PHP Url Wrapper library - marketmesuite/phranken-php (1.1.0)
A hodgepodge of php classes. For mad scientists only! - cargomedia/cm (1.30.2, 1.30.1)
- vince/cms-bundle (1.0.1)
Basic CMS features for Symfony 2.3+ - csburton/hive_control (v0.0.3)
API interface to control British Gas Hive Heating - 27cubes/cubeobject (0.1.0)
27 Cubes Object Library - icap/dropzone-bundle (0.6.1)
- syrup/component-bundle (1.5.2)
Syrup ComponentBundle - ivan-novakov/zf2-openid-connect-server-module (0.7.5)
OpenID Connect server implementation in PHP as a Zend Framework 2 module - krisanalfa/blade-theme (0.3.0)
Blade Theme - vinelab/neoeloquent (v1.0.0-rc.2)
Laravel wrapper for the Neo4j graph database REST interface - positivezero/adzerk (v0.1.1)
The PHP client for Adzerk REST API - jalle19/yii-lazy-image (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Lazy image loader for the Yii framework - jns/xhprof-bundle (v1.0.1)
Symfony JnsXhprofBundle - jimbojsb/bstools (v0.6.1)
beanstalkd tools - harp-orm/materialized-path (0.1)
Materialized path nesting for Harp ORM models - gourmet/common (0.3.1)
Gourmet Common Plugin for rapid CakePHP application development. - voceconnect/voce-post-meta-date (2.0.3)
Extension of Voce Post Meta Plugin to create date meta fields - barryvdh/laravel-async-queue (v0.2.1, v0.2.0)
- gajus/doll (1.0.0)
Extended PDO with deferred connection, logging and benchmarking. - jalle19/yii-ga (1.0.2)
Google Analytics extension for the Yii framework - jalle19/php-yui-compressor (1.0.1)
A modern PHP wrapper for the YUI compressor - keboola/syrup (1.4.4)
Syrup - Concentrated extract(or)s - jalle19/yii-yui-clientscript (1.0.1)
The end-all, be-all minifying client script implementation for Yii - nubs/sensible (v0.2.0)
A library for finding sensible user programs, like editor, pager, and browser. - bluzphp/skeleton (0.3.8)
Skeleton for Bluz, a lightweight PHP framework - fiv/parser (2.0.0-alpha1, 1.0.5)
Parser bundle - amhol/extendable-routing (1.0)
Adds an extend method to the Laravel-4 router allowing you to add custom route extensions - ludviki/tlac (v1.0)
Typeset lyrics with chords - dsawardekar/arrow (0.8.2, 0.8.1, 0.8.0)
WordPress Plugin Development Library - mediawiki/voting (0.2, 0.1)
Multi-criteria customizable rankings of the articles - mediawiki/model (0.2)
Abstraction model for mediawiki - lawondyss/moment-php (v1.0)
MomentPHP is library for parsing, manipulating and formatting dates. - ebidtech/fastc (v0.1.10, v0.1.9)
A light layer on top of Guzzle service descriptions that enables faster HTTP client development. - cicada/cicada (0.4.5)
Tiny PHP framework for quickly creating webapps, inspired by Rubys Sinatra - schickling/queue-checker (0.2)
Command to check the queue health status - techdivision/appserver-documentation (0.6.0-beta1)
The documentation repository for the appserver.io project - bear/skeleton (0.10.4, 0.10.3)
Skeleton application for BEAR.Sunday - gwa/gw-remote-resource (v1.0.0)
Lightweight PHP class to retrieve a remote file via HTTP (curl) - raphy/epitech-api (v1.0.1)
An easy and modular API to request information from the Epitech's intranet - openbuildings/jam-tart (0.2.45)
Admin Builder for Kohana, using Jam ORM - claroline/forum-bundle (2.3.0)
Claroline forum plugin - aamant/email-confirmation (1.0.3, 1.0.2)
Email confirmation for Laravel 4 - doctrine/phpcr-odm (1.1.1)
Object-Document-Mapper for PHPCR - f21/paradox (2.1.0)
Paradox is an elegant Object Document Mananger (ODM) to use with the ArangoDB Document/Graph database server. - janus-ssp/janus (1.17.5)
SimpleSaml php Janus module - maer/google-auth (0.5.0)
Laravel 4 wrapper for the league/oauth2-client package. Simple white/blacklist specific e-mails or entire domains. - kix/mdash (0.5.1, 0.5.0)
E. Muravjov's typographer, Composer version - atelierspierrot/dev-tools (v1.3.2)
Shell tools & facilities to manage app packages' development - kix/mdash-bundle (0.5.0)
E. Muravjov's typographer for Symfony - willdurand/hateoas (v2.3.0)
A PHP library to support implementing representations for HATEOAS REST web services - koala-framework/library-modernizr (v1.8.2-p0)
Modernizr JavaScript Library - uestla/database-translator (1.0.0)
Translator class using Nette Database layer - willdurand/hateoas-bundle (0.3.0)
Integration of Hateoas into Symfony2. - rodgermd/sofort2-bundle (v0.3, v0.3.1)
Symfony 2 bundle for sofort payment PHP library - danielboendergaard/phantom-pdf (v0.1.0)
A Package for generating PDF files using PhantomJS - ceesvanegmond/minify (2.0.7)
A package for minifying styles and javascript - gengo/gengo (1.0.0)
Gengo API client library for PHP - ibrows/doctrine-dblib-sql-driver (1.0.7)
Doctrine driver for connection over pdo, dblib, freetds, (ms)sql server - claroline/web-resource-bundle (1.0.2)
Claroline web resource plugin - bit3/faker-cli (1.0.3)
A command line command for the Faker PHP library. - cti/direct (2.1.5, 2.1.4)
ExtJS Direct php implementation - appsco/market-api (1.0.0-rc.1)
- fobiaweb/base (v0.2.1)
Fobia Base Component - dzangocart/dzangocart-bundle (0.2.1, 0.1.10)
Symfony 2 bundle for dzangocart - fobiaweb/database (v0.2.5)
Fobia DataBase Component - huynguyen/bootstrap (3.1.1)
Clone bootstrap project
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