
Hasin Hayder: Upgrading PHP to 5.5 in a CentOS 6 server with Vesta CP

In his latest post Hasin Hayder shares some instructions for upgrading CentOS to PHP 5.5 (a server with Vesta CP) via the Remi repository.

Vesta CP comes with PHP 5.4 by default. If you want to upgrade it to 5.5, follow these steps.

He's broken it up into five simple steps:

  • Stop Apache and Remove current PHP
  • Add remi repository
  • Enable Remi Repository (for yum)
  • Install PHP 5.5
  • Cleanup, linking and finishing

These instructions aren't really just for the CentOS install either. They could be used for any platform that makes use of "yum" to work with installed packages (with a few tweaks here and there).

Link: http://hasin.me/2014/06/03/upgrading-php-to-5-5-in-a-centos-6-server-with-vesta-cp/

