
Piotr Pasich: Rabbit behind the scenes

In a recent post to his site Piotr Pasich shares an article about using a rabbit behind the scenes - making use of the RabbitMQ queuing system for behind the scenes work in your PHP applications.

In PHP business logic is usually put right in action's method or just behind it. Hence, every little piece of delaying and long-running code will be processed with a request. The problem is almost undetectable if a user sends an e-mail but with more complex actions it may take a little bit longer than preferred. [...] In this article I would like to make an attempt to present a solution to the very annoying everyday problem that probably many programmers came across in their organisations - deadlocks in databases caused by a vast number of requests in relatively short time. The main aim of this text is to introduce RabbitMQ, which I value as a very functional and practical message broker, to help you solve the queuing problems and decrease the amount of work you would otherwise have to spend on it.

He talks about why message brokers are even needed and how to pick the right one for your project. Then he gets into the "in practice" part of the article, showing the use of RabbitMQ through PHP to save various data to a database when a user is presented with an advertisement. He shows how to create both the producer and consumer objects, making interaction with the queue simpler. His examples are all using the php-amqplib by Alvaro Videla.

Link: http://piotrpasich.com/rabbit-behind-the-scenes/

